Madonna EyeLift
Vivenci CO2 Laser Eyelid Lift is a procedure for (Eye-Lid-Skin-Tightening) also known as Madonna Lift, that uses very gentle fractional CO2 laser energy on the eyelids, resulting in Eyelid Lift and Rejuvenation, with minimal tissue damage and short downtime. Corneal Shields are placed under the eyelid for protection from laser, and Numbing Cream is applied over the eyelid skin for 45 minutes prior to the procedure. Additionally, we can perform CO2 Laser Under Eyes Bags and Dark Circles corrections if needed. For your convenience, you may also Download an Ebook.
CO2 Fractional Laser delivers laser energy via far-infrared light into the skin layer, producing skin microtraumas.
Skin starts repairing the skin microtaumas, stimulating collagen and elastin production, resulting in skin tightening.
Advanced technology fractional laser system, limits the damage to the surrounding skin area with effective outcome.
Madonna EyeLift is recommended for Males and Females with equal benefits.
Has minimal downtime of 5-7 days.
Effective for Skin rejuvenation, and reversal of photoaging from UV Light.
Topical numbing cream for 45 minutes, and analgesics are used to decrease the discomfort.
Takes about 30 minutes to treat.
May repeat the treatmment 2-3 times, every 2 months if more lift is desired.
Skin tightening of Upper eyelid.
Skin tightening of Lower eyelid.
Increased open distance: Upper eyelid margin to mid-pupil.
Increased open distance: Lower eyelid margin to mid-pupil.
Increased open distance: Between upper and lower lid margin.
Increased open distance: between right and left eyelids corners.
Decreased upper lid skin crease on downgaze.
Decreases upper lid skin height on downgaze and upgaze.
Decreases “hooded eyes” with loose skin.
Decreases under-eyes circles,
Decreases under-eyes sagging,
Decreases under-eyes hollow,
Decreases under-eyes wrinkles.
Decreases “baggy under-eyes” appearance.
CO2 Laser - Cost & Price
✚ Individualized Cost
- Select the eyelid areas of your interest or special packages below, and contact us by phone or SMS text for Photo-Consultation.
✚ Eyelid and Under Eye Areas
- A - Upper Eyelid
- A1 (below eyebrows),
- A2 (mid eyelid),
- A3 (near eyelashes)
- B - Lower Eyelid
- C - Crows Feet
- D - Under Eye
- D1 Under Eye skin
- D2 Under Eye bags
- D3 Festoons
✚ CO2 Laser - Head & Neck Packages
Aftercare includes Ophthalmic care and Skin care instructions, and are available in Pre & Post Care.
A. Common Complications
Eyelid Swelling, Ocular Redness, Ocular Itching, Eyelid Dermatitis, Acne and Herpes flareups.
After fractional CO2 laser over eyelids, your eyelid skin will feel like sandpaper, along with mild swelling and redness, which will resolved within 1 week.
Please avoid driving for 2 days after procedure, as your eyes may be watery, dry, sticky, itchy, or sensitive to light, from corneal anesthetic and shields placed over eyeball during procedure.
Herpes Soars flare-ups may occur as a complication in chronic carriers after laser treatment, therefore anti-viral medication is started 1 day before treatment for 10 days.
We usually give Zyrtec (anti-histamine) tablets, and instill Eyedrops containing anti-inflammatory and antibiotics solution before leaving our office, as well as prescribe the ocular solution for 5 days to be used during aftercare.
Consider arriving with someone who can drive you home for your safety, or you may take Uber.
Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)
Higher occurrence in olive skin and dark skin clients.
Can be worsened by excessive sun exposure.
Risk is minimized by use of sunscreen, and avoidance of excessive sun exposure for 6 months after laser procedure.
Bleaching creams can be started 2 weeks prior to procedure, and 4 weeks after CO2 Laser procedure for 1-2 months.
B. Rare Complications
Hypertrophic scars, Ectropion and Lagophthalmos
Hypertrophic scars from infections - can be prevented with antibiotics during aftercare.
Ectropion (outward turning of lower eyelid) - can be avoided using lower laser energy.
Lagophthalmos (incomplete closure of eyelids) - can be avoided using lower laser energy.
reducing the Risk
Avoid sun exposure for 4-6 weeks before treatment.
No self-tanning for at least one week before treatment.
Discontinue exfoliants 1 week prior to treatment.
No Accutane use for 6 months prior to treatment.
Prophylactic Rx: Herpes Antiviral medication are started 1 day before treatment and continued for 10 days.
Prophylactic Rx: Antibacterial antibiotics are given for 1 week starting on the day of treatment.
Prophylactic Rx: Ophthalmic Eyedrops given after procedure (antibiotic and anti-inflamatorty) solution for 5 day.
Prophylactic Rx: Prednisone for 7-10 days is geven to decrease local swelling.
Prophylactic Rx : Topical Triamcinolone ointment is givent to decrease itching and inflammation.
For olive skin clients, bleaching creams is given for 1 week before treatment, and restarted at 1 month after treatment for 2 months.